Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs) are a widely used probabilistic model for negatively correlated sets. DPPs have been successfully employed in Machine Learning applications to select a diverse, yet representative subset of data. In these applications, the parameters of the DPP need to be fitted to match the data; typically, we ... more >>>
Motivated by the question of data quantization and "binning," we revisit the problem of identity testing of discrete probability distributions. Identity testing (a.k.a. one-sample testing), a fundamental and by now well-understood problem in distribution testing, asks, given a reference distribution (model) $\mathbf{q}$ and samples from an unknown distribution $\mathbf{p}$, both ... more >>>
We continue the study of $k$-monotone Boolean functions in the property testing model, initiated by Canonne et al. (ITCS 2017). A function $f:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}$ is said to be $k$-monotone if it alternates between $0$ and $1$ at most $k$ times on every ascending chain. Such functions represent a natural generalization ... more >>>
A Boolean $k$-monotone function defined over a finite poset domain ${\cal D}$ alternates between the values $0$ and $1$ at most $k$ times on any ascending chain in ${\cal D}$. Therefore, $k$-monotone functions are natural generalizations of the classical monotone functions, which are the $1$-monotone functions.
Motivated by the ... more >>>
$\mathrm{AC}^{0} \circ \mathrm{MOD}_2$ circuits are $\mathrm{AC}^{0}$ circuits augmented with a layer of parity gates just above the input layer. We study the $\mathrm{AC}^{0} \circ \mathrm{MOD}_2$ circuit lower bound for computing the Boolean Inner Product functions. Recent works by Servedio and Viola (ECCC TR12-144) and Akavia et al. (ITCS 2014) have ... more >>>
We study lower bounds for testing membership in families of linear/affine-invariant Boolean functions over the hypercube. A family of functions $P\subseteq \{\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}\}$ is linear/affine invariant if for any $f\in P$, it is the case that $f\circ L\in P$ for any linear/affine transformation $L$ of the domain. Motivated by ... more >>>