We introduce the Nondeterministic Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis
(NSETH) as a natural extension of the Strong Exponential Time
Hypothesis (SETH). We show that both refuting and proving
NSETH would have interesting consequences.
In particular we show that disproving NSETH would ...
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We give an exact algorithm for the 0-1 Integer Linear Programming problem with a linear number of constraints that improves over exhaustive search by an exponential factor. Specifically, our algorithm runs in time $2^{(1-\text{poly}(1/c))n}$ where $n$ is the
number of variables and $cn$ is the number of constraints. The key ...
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In 1977 Valiant proposed a graph theoretical method for proving lower
bounds on algebraic circuits with gates computing linear functions.
He used this method to reduce the problem of proving
lower bounds on circuits with linear gates to to proving lower bounds
on the rigidity of a matrix, a ...
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