A pseudo-deterministic algorithm is a (randomized) algorithm which, when run multiple times on the same input, with high probability outputs the same result on all executions. Classic streaming algorithms, such as those for finding heavy hitters, approximate counting, $\ell_2$ approximation, finding a nonzero entry in a vector (for turnstile algorithms) ... more >>>
We consider relative error low rank approximation of tensors with respect to the Frobenius norm. Namely, given an order-$q$ tensor $A \in \mathbb{R}^{\prod_{i=1}^q n_i}$, output a rank-$k$ tensor $B$ for which $\|A-B\|_F^2 \leq (1+\epsilon) {\rm OPT}$, where ${\rm OPT} = \inf_{\textrm{rank-}k~A'} \|A-A'\|_F^2$. Despite much success on obtaining relative error low ... more >>>
We study $k$-party set disjointness in the simultaneous message-passing model, and show that even if each element $i\in[n]$ is guaranteed to either belong to all $k$ parties or to at most $O(1)$ parties in expectation (and to at most $O(\log n)$ parties with high probability), then $\Omega(n \min(\log 1/\delta, \log ... more >>>
We show a new connection between the information complexity of one-way communication problems under product distributions and a relaxed notion of list-decodable codes. As a consequence, we obtain a characterization of the information complexity of one-way problems under product distributions for any error rate based on covering numbers. This generalizes ... more >>>