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Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity

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All reports by Author Avner Magen:

TR09-061 | 2nd July 2009
Konstantinos Georgiou, Avner Magen, Madhur Tulsiani

Optimal Sherali-Adams Gaps from Pairwise Independence

This work considers the problem of approximating fixed predicate constraint satisfaction problems (MAX k-CSP(P)). We show that if the set of assignments accepted by $P$ contains the support of a balanced pairwise independent distribution over the domain of the inputs, then such a problem on $n$ variables cannot be approximated ... more >>>

TR09-038 | 14th April 2009
Michael Alekhnovich, Allan Borodin, Joshua Buresh-Oppenheim, Russell Impagliazzo, Avner Magen

Toward a Model for Backtracking and Dynamic Programming

We propose a model called priority branching trees (pBT ) for backtracking and dynamic
programming algorithms. Our model generalizes both the priority model of Borodin, Nielson
and Rackoff, as well as a simple dynamic programming model due to Woeginger, and hence
spans a wide spectrum of algorithms. After witnessing the ... more >>>

TR06-152 | 6th December 2006
Konstantinos Georgiou, Avner Magen, Iannis Tourlakis

Tight integrality gaps for Vertex Cover SDPs in the Lovasz-Schrijver hierarchy

We prove that the integrality gap after tightening the standard LP relaxation for Vertex Cover with Omega(sqrt(log n/log log n)) rounds of the SDP LS+ system is 2-o(1).

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