In this paper we investigate the following two questions:
Q1: Do there exist optimal proof systems for a given language L?
Q2: Do there exist complete problems for a given promise class C?
For concrete languages L (such as TAUT or SAT and concrete promise classes C (such as NP ... more >>>
We investigate the connection between optimal propositional
proof systems and complete languages for promise classes.
We prove that an optimal propositional proof system exists
if and only if there exists a propositional proof system
in which every promise class with the test set in co-NP
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The notion of an optimal acceptor for TAUT (the optimality
property is stated only for input strings from TAUT) comes from the line
of research aimed at resolving the question of whether optimal
propositional proof systems exist. In this paper we introduce two new
types of optimal acceptors, a D-N-optimal ...
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