Binary search trees are a fundamental data structure and their height
plays a key role in the analysis of divide-and-conquer algorithms like
quicksort. Their worst-case height is linear; their average height,
whose exact value is one of the best-studied problems in average-case
complexity, is logarithmic. We analyze their smoothed height ...
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A cycle cover of a graph is a set of cycles such that every vertex is
part of exactly one cycle. An L-cycle cover is a cycle cover in which
the length of every cycle is in the set L. The weight of a cycle cover
of an edge-weighted graph ...
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Given a set of monomials, the Minimum AND-Circuit problem asks for a
circuit that computes these monomials using AND-gates of fan-in two and
being of minimum size. We prove that the problem is not polynomial time
approximable within a factor of less than 1.0051 unless P = NP, even if
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Binary search trees are one of the most fundamental data structures. While the
height of such a tree may be linear in the worst case, the average height with
respect to the uniform distribution is only logarithmic. The exact value is one
of the best studied problems in average case ...
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We study private computations in information-theoretical settings on
networks that are not 2-connected. Non-2-connected networks are
``non-private'' in the sense that most functions cannot privately be
computed on such networks. We relax the notion of privacy by
introducing lossy private protocols, which generalize private
protocols. We measure the information each ...
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We study the role of connectivity of communication networks in private
computations under information theoretic settings. It will be shown that
some functions can be computed by private protocols even if the
underlying network is 1-connected but not 2-connected. Then we give a
complete characterisation of non-degenerate functions that can ...
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