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All reports by Author Giuseppe Persiano:

TR06-095 | 25th July 2006
Rafail Ostrovsky, Giuseppe Persiano, Ivan Visconti

Concurrent Non-Malleable Witness Indistinguishability and its Applications

Revisions: 1

One of the central questions in Cryptography today is proving security of the protocols ``on the Internet'', i.e., in a concurrent setting where there are multiple interactions between players, and where the adversary can play so called ``man-in-the-middle'' attacks, forwarding and modifying messages between two or more unsuspecting players. Indeed, ... more >>>

TR98-006 | 27th January 1998
Alfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Oded Goldreich, Giuseppe Persiano

The Graph Clustering Problem has a Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proof

The input to the {\em Graph Clustering Problem}\/
consists of a sequence of integers $m_1,...,m_t$
and a sequence of $\sum_{i=1}^{t}m_i$ graphs.
The question is whether the equivalence classes,
under the graph isomorphism relation,
of the input graphs have sizes which match the input sequence of integers.
In this note ... more >>>

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint