The Huge Object model of property testing [Goldreich and Ron, TheoretiCS 23] concerns properties of distributions supported on $\{0,1\}^n$, where $n$ is so large that even reading a single sampled string is unrealistic. Instead, query access is provided to the samples, and the efficiency of the algorithm is measured by ... more >>>
The study of distribution testing has become ubiquitous in the area of property testing, both for its theoretical appeal, as well as for its applications in other fields of Computer Science, and in various real-life statistical tasks.
The original distribution testing model relies on samples drawn independently from the distribution ... more >>>
One of the main challenges in property testing is to characterize those properties that are testable with a constant number of queries. For unordered structures such as graphs and hypergraphs this task has been mostly settled. However, for ordered structures such as strings, images, and ordered graphs, the characterization problem ... more >>>
We consider properties of edge-colored vertex-ordered graphs, i.e., graphs with a totally ordered vertex set and a finite set of possible edge colors. We show that any hereditary property of such graphs is strongly testable, i.e., testable with a constant number of queries.
We also explain how the proof can ...
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We show here that every non-adaptive property testing algorithm making a constant number of queries, over a fixed alphabet, can be converted to a sample-based (as per [Goldreich and Ron, 2015]) testing algorithm whose average number of queries is a fixed, smaller than $1$, power of $n$. Since the query ... more >>>
For a property $P$ and a sub-property $P'$, we say that $P$ is $P'$-partially testable with $q$ queries if there exists an algorithm that distinguishes, with high probability, inputs in $P'$ from inputs $\epsilon$-far from $P$ by using $q$ queries. There are natural properties that require many queries to test, ... more >>>
Let $\mathbb{F} = \mathbb{F}_p$ for any fixed prime $p \geq 2$. An affine-invariant property is a property of functions on $\mathbb{F}^n$ that is closed under taking affine transformations of the domain. We prove that all affine-invariant property having local characterizations are testable. In fact, we show a proximity-oblivious test for ... more >>>
In this paper we define and examine the power of the conditional-sampling oracle in the context of distribution-property testing. The conditional-sampling oracle for a discrete distribution $\mu$ takes as input a subset $S \subset [n]$ of the domain, and outputs a random sample $i \in S$ drawn according to $\mu$, ... more >>>
Invariance with respect to linear or affine transformations of the domain is arguably the most common symmetry exhibited by natural algebraic properties. In this work, we show that any low complexity affine-invariant property of multivariate functions over finite fields is testable with a constant number of queries. This immediately reproves, ... more >>>
We investigate the problem of {\em local reconstruction}, as defined by Saks and Seshadhri (2008), in the context of error correcting codes.
The first problem we address is that of {\em message reconstruction}, where given oracle access to a corrupted encoding $w \in \zo^n$ of some message $x \in \zo^k$ ... more >>>
We investigate the number of samples required for testing the monotonicity of a distribution with respect to an arbitrary underlying partially ordered set. Our first result is a nearly linear lower bound for the sample complexity of testing monotonicity with respect to the poset consisting of a directed perfect matching. ... more >>>
A coloring of a graph is {\it convex} if it
induces a partition of the vertices into connected subgraphs.
Besides being an interesting property from a theoretical point of
view, tests for convexity have applications in various areas
involving large graphs. Our results concern the important subcase
of testing for ...
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A property tester with high probability accepts inputs satisfying a given property and rejects
inputs that are far from satisfying it. A tolerant property tester, as defined by Parnas, Ron
and Rubinfeld, must also accept inputs that are close enough to satisfying the property. We
construct properties of binary functions ...
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Using a new statistical embedding of words which has similarities with the Parikh mapping, we first construct a tolerant tester for the equality of two words, whose complexity is independent of the string size, where the distance between inputs is measured by the normalized edit distance with moves. As a ... more >>>
An $\epsilon$-test for a property $P$ of functions from
${\cal D}=\{1,\ldots,d\}$ to the positive integers is a randomized
algorithm, which makes queries on the value of an input function at
specified locations, and distinguishes with high probability between the
case of the function satisfying $P$, and the case that it ...
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Let $P$ be a property of graphs. An $\epsilon$-test for $P$ is a
randomized algorithm which, given the ability to make queries whether
a desired pair of vertices of an input graph $G$ with $n$ vertices are
adjacent or not, distinguishes, with high probability, between the
case of $G$ satisfying ...
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This paper strengthens the low-error PCP characterization of NP, coming
closer to the ultimate BGLR conjecture. Namely, we prove that witnesses for
membership in any NP language can be verified with a constant
number of accesses, and with an error probability exponentially
small in the ...
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