An algorithmic meta theorem for a logic and a class $C$ of structures states that all problems expressible in this logic can be solved efficiently for inputs from $C$. The prime example is Courcelle's Theorem, which states that monadic second-order (MSO) definable problems are linear-time solvable on graphs of bounded ... more >>>
Bodlaender's Theorem states that for every $k$ there is a linear-time algorithm that decides whether an input graph has tree width~$k$ and, if so, computes a width-$k$ tree composition. Courcelle's Theorem builds on Bodlaender's Theorem and states that for every monadic second-order formula $\phi$ and for
every $k$ there is ...
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It is well known that unconditionally secure bit commitment is impossible
even in the quantum world. In this paper a weak variant of quantum bit
commitment, introduced independently by Aharonov et al. and Hardy and Kent
is investigated. In this variant, the parties require some nonzero probability
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We study deterministic one-way communication complexity
of functions with Hankel communication matrices.
Some structural properties of such matrices are established
and applied to the one-way two-party communication complexity
of symmetric Boolean functions.
It is shown that the number of required communication bits
does not depend on ...
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We study private computations in information-theoretical settings on
networks that are not 2-connected. Non-2-connected networks are
``non-private'' in the sense that most functions cannot privately be
computed on such networks. We relax the notion of privacy by
introducing lossy private protocols, which generalize private
protocols. We measure the information each ...
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We study the role of connectivity of communication networks in private
computations under information theoretic settings. It will be shown that
some functions can be computed by private protocols even if the
underlying network is 1-connected but not 2-connected. Then we give a
complete characterisation of non-degenerate functions that can ...
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The subclass of directed series-parallel graphs plays an important role in
computer science. Whether a given graph is series-parallel is a
well studied problem in algorithmic graph theory, for which fast sequential and
parallel algorithms have been developed in a sequence of papers.
Also methods are known to solve ...
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In parallel and distributed computing scheduling low level tasks
on the available hardware is a fundamental problem.
Traditionally, one has assumed that the set of tasks to be executed
is known beforehand.
Then the scheduling constraints are given by a precedence graph.
Nodes represent the elementary tasks ...
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A model for parallel and distributed programs, the dynamic process graph (DPG),
is investigated under graph-theoretic and complexity aspects.
Such graphs embed constructors for parallel programs,
synchronization mechanisms as well as conditional branches.
They are capable of representing all possible executions of a
parallel or distributed program ...
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