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All reports by Author Klaus-Joern Lange:

TR14-177 | 14th December 2014
Andreas Krebs, Klaus-Joern Lange, Michael Ludwig

Visibly Counter Languages and Constant Depth Circuits

We examine visibly counter languages, which are languages recognized by visibly counter automata (a.k.a. input driven counter automata). We are able to effectively characterize the visibly counter languages in AC0, and show that they are contained in FO[+].

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TR11-095 | 22nd June 2011
Christoph Behle, Andreas Krebs, Klaus-Joern Lange, Pierre McKenzie

Low uniform versions of NC1

Revisions: 1

In the setting known as DLOGTIME-uniformity,
the fundamental complexity classes
AC^0\subset ACC^0\subseteq TC^0\subseteq NC^1 have several
robust characterizations.
In this paper we refine uniformity further and examine the impact
of these refinements on NC^1 and its subclasses.
When applied to the logarithmic circuit depth characterization of NC^1,
some refinements leave ... more >>>

TR10-070 | 17th April 2010
Eric Allender, Klaus-Joern Lange

Symmetry Coincides with Nondeterminism for Time-Bounded Auxiliary Pushdown Automata

We show that every language accepted by a nondeterministic auxiliary pushdown automaton in polynomial time (that is, every language in SAC^1 = LogCFL) can be accepted by a symmetric auxiliary pushdown automaton in polynomial time.

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TR96-048 | 12th September 1996
Eric Allender, Klaus-Joern Lange

StUSPACE(log n) is Contained in DSPACE((log^2 n)/loglog n)

We present a deterministic algorithm running in space
O((log^2 n)/loglog n) solving the connectivity problem
on strongly unambiguous graphs. In addition, we present
an O(log n) time-bounded algorithm for this problem
running on a parallel pointer machine.

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ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint