This paper is our third step towards developing a theory of testing monomials in multivariate polynomials and concentrates on two problems: (1) How to compute the coefficients of multilinear monomials; and (2) how to find a maximum multilinear monomial when the input is a $\Pi\Sigma\Pi$ polynomial.
We first prove ...
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This paper is our second step towards developing a theory of
testing monomials in multivariate polynomials. The central
question is to ask whether a polynomial represented by an
arithmetic circuit has some types of monomials in its sum-product
expansion. The complexity aspects of this problem and its variants
have been ...
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The work in this paper is to initiate a theory of testing
monomials in multivariate polynomials. The central question is to
ask whether a polynomial represented by certain economically
compact structure has a multilinear monomial in its sum-product
expansion. The complexity aspects of this problem and its variants
are investigated ...
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