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All reports by Author Vishwas Bhargava:

TR24-123 | 22nd July 2024
Vishwas Bhargava, Devansh Shringi

Faster & Deterministic FPT Algorithm for Worst-Case Tensor Decomposition

We present a deterministic $2^{k^{\mathcal{O}(1)}} \text{poly}(n,d)$ time algorithm for decomposing $d$-dimensional, width-$n$ tensors of rank at most $k$ over $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{C}$. This improves upon the previous randomized algorithm of Peleg, Shpilka, and Volk (ITCS '24) that takes $2^{k^{k^{\mathcal{O}(k)}}} \text{poly}(n,d)$ time and the deterministic $n^{k^k}$ time algorithms of Bhargava, Saraf, ... more >>>

TR24-119 | 14th July 2024
Vishwas Bhargava, Anamay Tengse

Explicit Commutative ROABPs from Partial Derivatives

The dimension of partial derivatives (Nisan and Wigderson, 1997) is a popular measure for proving lower bounds in algebraic complexity. It is used to give strong lower bounds on the Waring decomposition of polynomials (called Waring rank). This naturally leads to an interesting open question: does this measure essentially characterize ... more >>>

TR23-032 | 24th March 2023
Vishwas Bhargava, Shubhangi Saraf, Ilya Volkovich

Linear Independence, Alternants and Applications

We develop a new technique for analyzing linear independence of multivariate polynomials. One of our main technical contributions is a \emph{Small Witness for Linear Independence} (SWLI) lemma which states the following.
If the polynomials $f_1,f_2, \ldots, f_k \in \F[X]$ over $X=\{x_1, \ldots, x_n\}$ are $\F$-linearly independent then there exists ... more >>>

TR22-063 | 30th April 2022
Vishwas Bhargava, Sumanta Ghosh, Zeyu Guo, Mrinal Kumar, Chris Umans

Fast Multivariate Multipoint Evaluation Over All Finite Fields

Multivariate multipoint evaluation is the problem of evaluating a multivariate polynomial, given as a coefficient vector, simultaneously at multiple evaluation points. In this work, we show that there exists a deterministic algorithm for multivariate multipoint evaluation over any finite field $\mathbb{F}$ that outputs the evaluations of an $m$-variate polynomial of ... more >>>

TR21-162 | 14th November 2021
Vishwas Bhargava, Sumanta Ghosh, Mrinal Kumar, Chandra Kanta Mohapatra

Fast, Algebraic Multivariate Multipoint Evaluation in Small Characteristic and Applications

Revisions: 3

Multipoint evaluation is the computational task of evaluating a polynomial given as a list of coefficients at a given set of inputs. Besides being a natural and fundamental question in computer algebra on its own, fast algorithms for this problem is also closely related to fast algorithms for other natural ... more >>>

TR21-155 | 13th November 2021
Vishwas Bhargava, Ankit Garg, Neeraj Kayal, Chandan Saha

Learning generalized depth-three arithmetic circuits in the non-degenerate case

Revisions: 1

Consider a homogeneous degree $d$ polynomial $f = T_1 + \cdots + T_s$, $T_i = g_i(\ell_{i,1}, \ldots, \ell_{i, m})$ where $g_i$'s are homogeneous $m$-variate degree $d$ polynomials and $\ell_{i,j}$'s are linear polynomials in $n$ variables. We design a (randomized) learning algorithm that given black-box access to $f$, computes black-boxes for ... more >>>

TR21-062 | 29th April 2021
Vishwas Bhargava, Sumanta Ghosh

Improved Hitting Set for Orbit of ROABPs

Revisions: 2

The orbit of an $n$-variate polynomial $f(\mathbf{x})$ over a field $\mathbb{F}$ is the set $\{f(A \mathbf{x} + b)\,\mid\, A\in \mathrm{GL}({n,\mathbb{F}})\mbox{ and }\mathbf{b} \in \mathbb{F}^n\}$, and the orbit of a polynomial class is the union of orbits of all the polynomials in it. In this paper, we give improved constructions of ... more >>>

TR21-045 | 22nd March 2021
Vishwas Bhargava, Shubhangi Saraf, Ilya Volkovich

Reconstruction Algorithms for Low-Rank Tensors and Depth-3 Multilinear Circuits

We give new and efficient black-box reconstruction algorithms for some classes of depth-$3$ arithmetic circuits. As a consequence, we obtain the first efficient algorithm for computing the tensor rank and for finding the optimal tensor decomposition as a sum of rank-one tensors when then input is a {\it constant-rank} tensor. ... more >>>

TR19-104 | 6th August 2019
Vishwas Bhargava, Shubhangi Saraf, Ilya Volkovich

Reconstruction of Depth-$4$ Multilinear Circuits

We present a deterministic algorithm for reconstructing multilinear $\Sigma\Pi\Sigma\Pi(k)$ circuits, i.e. multilinear depth-$4$ circuits with fan-in $k$ at the top $+$ gate. For any fixed $k$, given black-box access to a polynomial $f \in \mathbb{F}[x_{1},x_{2},\ldots ,x_{n}]$ computable by a multilinear $\Sigma\Pi\Sigma\Pi(k)$ circuit of size $s$, the algorithm runs in time ... more >>>

TR18-130 | 16th July 2018
Vishwas Bhargava, Shubhangi Saraf, Ilya Volkovich

Deterministic Factorization of Sparse Polynomials with Bounded Individual Degree

In this paper we study the problem of deterministic factorization of sparse polynomials. We show that if $f \in \mathbb{F}[x_{1},x_{2},\ldots ,x_{n}]$ is a polynomial with $s$ monomials, with individual degrees of its variables bounded by $d$, then $f$ can be deterministically factored in time $s^{\poly(d) \log n}$. Prior to our ... more >>>

TR17-016 | 31st January 2017
Vishwas Bhargava, Gábor Ivanyos, Rajat Mittal, Nitin Saxena

Irreducibility and deterministic r-th root finding over finite fields

Constructing $r$-th nonresidue over a finite field is a fundamental computational problem. A related problem is to construct an irreducible polynomial of degree $r^e$ (where $r$ is a prime) over a given finite field $\F_q$ of characteristic $p$ (equivalently, constructing the bigger field $\F_{q^{r^e}}$). Both these problems have famous randomized ... more >>>

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