The Huge Object model of property testing [Goldreich and Ron, TheoretiCS 23] concerns properties of distributions supported on $\{0,1\}^n$, where $n$ is so large that even reading a single sampled string is unrealistic. Instead, query access is provided to the samples, and the efficiency of the algorithm is measured by ... more >>>
In this work, we study the problem of testing $m$-\emph{grainedness} of probability distributions over an $n$-element universe $\mathcal{U}$, or, equivalently, of whether a probability distribution is induced by a multiset $S\subseteq \mathcal{U}$ of size $|S|=m$. Recently, Goldreich and Ron (Computational Complexity, 2023) proved that $\Omega(n^c)$ samples are necessary for testing ... more >>>
The study of distribution testing has become ubiquitous in the area of property testing, both for its theoretical appeal, as well as for its applications in other fields of Computer Science, and in various real-life statistical tasks.
The original distribution testing model relies on samples drawn independently from the distribution ... more >>>
The graph isomorphism distance between two graphs $G_u$ and $G_k$ is the fraction of entries in the adjacency matrix that has to be changed to make $G_u$ isomorphic to $G_k$. We study the problem of estimating, up to a constant additive factor, the graph isomorphism distance between two graphs in ... more >>>