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All reports by Author Benjamin Böhm:

TR23-051 | 18th April 2023
Benjamin Böhm, Olaf Beyersdorff

QCDCL vs QBF Resolution: Further Insights

We continue the investigation on the relations of QCDCL and QBF resolution systems. In particular, we introduce QCDCL versions that tightly characterise QU-Resolution and (a slight variant of) long-distance Q-Resolution. We show that most QCDCL variants - parameterised by different policies for decisions, unit propagations and reductions -- lead to ... more >>>

TR22-040 | 10th March 2022
Benjamin Böhm, Tomáš Peitl, Olaf Beyersdorff

Should decisions in QCDCL follow prefix order?

Quantified conflict-driven clause learning (QCDCL) is one of the main solving approaches for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). One of the differences between QCDCL and propositional CDCL is that QCDCL typically follows the prefix order of the QBF for making decisions.
We investigate an alternative model for QCDCL solving where decisions ... more >>>

TR21-131 | 10th September 2021
Olaf Beyersdorff, Benjamin Böhm

QCDCL with Cube Learning or Pure Literal Elimination - What is best?

Revisions: 1

Quantified conflict-driven clause learning (QCDCL) is one of the main approaches for solving quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). We formalise and investigate several versions of QCDCL that include cube learning and/or pure-literal elimination, and formally compare the resulting solving models via proof complexity techniques. Our results show that almost all of ... more >>>

TR20-053 | 16th April 2020
Olaf Beyersdorff, Benjamin Böhm

Understanding the Relative Strength of QBF CDCL Solvers and QBF Resolution

QBF solvers implementing the QCDCL paradigm are powerful algorithms that
successfully tackle many computationally complex applications. However, our
theoretical understanding of the strength and limitations of these QCDCL
solvers is very limited.

In this paper we suggest to formally model QCDCL solvers as proof systems. We
define different policies that ... more >>>

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint