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All reports by Author Sai Sandeep:

TR21-007 | 14th January 2021
Sai Sandeep

Almost Optimal Inapproximability of Multidimensional Packing Problems

Multidimensional packing problems generalize the classical packing problems such as Bin Packing, Multiprocessor Scheduling by allowing the jobs to be $d$-dimensional vectors. While the approximability of the scalar problems is well understood, there has been a significant gap between the approximation algorithms and the hardness results for the multidimensional variants. ... more >>>

TR20-167 | 9th November 2020
Venkatesan Guruswami, Sai Sandeep

Approximate Hypergraph Vertex Cover and generalized Tuza's conjecture

A famous conjecture of Tuza states that the minimum number of edges needed to cover all the triangles in a graph is at most twice the maximum number of edge-disjoint triangles. This conjecture was couched in a broader setting by Aharoni and Zerbib who proposed a hypergraph version of this ... more >>>

TR19-116 | 9th September 2019
Venkatesan Guruswami, Sai Sandeep

$d$-to-$1$ Hardness of Coloring $4$-colorable Graphs with $O(1)$ colors

Revisions: 1

The $d$-to-$1$ conjecture of Khot asserts that it is hard to satisfy an $\epsilon$ fraction of constraints of a satisfiable $d$-to-$1$ Label Cover instance, for arbitrarily small $\epsilon > 0$. We prove that the $d$-to-$1$ conjecture for any fixed $d$ implies the hardness of coloring a $4$-colorable graph with $C$ ... more >>>

TR19-094 | 16th July 2019
Venkatesan Guruswami, Sai Sandeep

Rainbow coloring hardness via low sensitivity polymorphisms

A $k$-uniform hypergraph is said to be $r$-rainbow colorable if there is an $r$-coloring of its vertices such that every hyperedge intersects all $r$ color classes. Given as input such a hypergraph, finding a $r$-rainbow coloring of it is NP-hard for all $k \ge 3$ and $r \ge 2$. ... more >>>

TR19-092 | 9th July 2019
Venkatesan Guruswami, Jakub Opršal, Sai Sandeep

Revisiting Alphabet Reduction in Dinur's PCP

Dinur's celebrated proof of the PCP theorem alternates two main steps in several iterations: gap amplification to increase the soundness gap by a large constant factor (at the expense of much larger alphabet size), and a composition step that brings back the alphabet size to an absolute constant (at the ... more >>>

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