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All reports by Author Agrim Dewan:

TR24-104 | 12th June 2024
Omkar Baraskar, Agrim Dewan, Chandan Saha, Pulkit Sinha

NP-hardness of testing equivalence to sparse polynomials and to constant-support polynomials

An $s$-sparse polynomial has at most $s$ monomials with nonzero coefficients. The Equivalence Testing problem for sparse polynomials (ETsparse) asks to decide if a given polynomial $f$ is equivalent to (i.e., in the orbit of) some $s$-sparse polynomial. In other words, given $f \in \mathbb{F}[\mathbf{x}]$ and $s \in \mathbb{N}$, ETsparse ... more >>>

TR24-004 | 7th January 2024
Omkar Baraskar, Agrim Dewan, Chandan Saha

Testing equivalence to design polynomials

An $n$-variate polynomial $g$ of degree $d$ is a $(n,d,t)$ design polynomial if the degree of the gcd of every pair of monomials of $g$ is at most $t-1$. The power symmetric polynomial $\mathrm{PSym}_{n,d} := \sum_{i=1}^{n} x^d_i$ and the sum-product polynomial $\mathrm{SP}_{s,d} := \sum_{i=1}^{s}\prod_{j=1}^{d} x_{i,j}$ are instances of design polynomials ... more >>>

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