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All reports by Author Standa Zivny:

TR20-040 | 25th March 2020
Andrei Krokhin, Jakub Opršal, Marcin Wrochna, Standa Zivny

Topology and adjunction in promise constraint satisfaction

Revisions: 1

The approximate graph colouring problem concerns colouring a $k$-colourable
graph with $c$ colours, where $c\geq k$. This problem naturally generalises
to promise graph homomorphism and further to promise constraint satisfaction
problems. Complexity analysis of all these problems is notoriously difficult.
In this paper, we introduce ... more >>>

TR20-004 | 17th January 2020
Joshua Brakensiek, Venkatesan Guruswami, Marcin Wrochna, Standa Zivny

The Power of the Combined Basic LP and Affine Relaxation for Promise CSPs

Revisions: 1

In the field of constraint satisfaction problems (CSP), promise CSPs are an exciting new direction of study. In a promise CSP, each constraint comes in two forms: "strict" and "weak," and in the associated decision problem one must distinguish between being able to satisfy all the strict constraints versus not ... more >>>

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