In 2004 Atserias, Kolaitis and Vardi proposed OBDD-based propositional proof systems that prove unsatisfiability of a CNF formula by deduction of identically false OBDD from OBDDs representing clauses of the initial formula. All OBDDs in such proofs have the same order of variables. We initiate the study of OBDD based ... more >>>
We show that the mutual information, in the sense of Kolmogorov complexity, of any pair of strings
$x$ and $y$ is equal, up to logarithmic precision, to the length of the longest shared secret key that
two parties, one having $x$ and the complexity profile of the pair and the ...
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An aperiodic tile set was first constructed by R.Berger while
proving the undecidability of the domino problem. It turned out
that aperiodic tile sets appear in many topics ranging from
logic (the Entscheidungsproblem) to physics (quasicrystals)
We present a new construction of an aperiodic tile set. The
flexibility of this ...
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The information contained in a string $x$ about a string $y$
is defined as the difference between the Kolmogorov complexity
of $y$ and the conditional Kolmogorov complexity of $y$ given $x$,
i.e., $I(x:y)=\C(y)-\C(y|x)$. From the well-known Kolmogorov--Levin Theorem it follows that $I(x:y)$ is symmetric up to a small ...
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The very first Kolmogorov's paper on algorithmic
information theory was entitled `Three approaches to the
definition of the quantity of information'. These three
approaches were called combinatorial, probabilistic and
algorithmic. Trying to establish formal connections
between combinatorial and algorithmic approaches, we
prove that any ...
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