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All reports by Author Jérémie Roland:

TR15-028 | 27th February 2015
Lila Fontes, Rahul Jain, Iordanis Kerenidis, Sophie Laplante, Mathieu Laurière, Jérémie Roland

Relative Discrepancy does not separate Information and Communication Complexity

Does the information complexity of a function equal its communication complexity? We examine whether any currently known techniques might be used to show a separation between the two notions. Recently, Ganor et al. provided such a separation in the distributional setting for a specific input distribution ?. We show that ... more >>>

TR12-117 | 17th September 2012
Loïck Magnin, Jérémie Roland

Explicit relation between all lower bound techniques for quantum query complexity

The polynomial method and the adversary method are the two main techniques to prove lower bounds on quantum query complexity, and they have so far been considered as unrelated approaches. Here, we show an explicit reduction from the polynomial method to the multiplicative adversary method. The proof goes by extending ... more >>>

TR12-038 | 6th April 2012
Iordanis Kerenidis, Sophie Laplante, Virginie Lerays, Jérémie Roland, David Xiao

Lower bounds on information complexity via zero-communication protocols and applications

We show that almost all known lower bound methods for communication complexity are also lower bounds for the information complexity. In particular, we define a relaxed version of the partition bound of Jain and Klauck and prove that it lower bounds the information complexity of any function. Our relaxed partition ... more >>>

TR12-023 | 19th March 2012
Sophie Laplante, Virginie Lerays, Jérémie Roland

Classical and quantum partition bound and detector inefficiency

In communication complexity, two players each have an input and they wish to compute some function of the joint inputs. This has been the object of much study and a wide variety of lower bound methods have been introduced to address the problem of showing lower bounds on communication. Recently, ... more >>>

TR10-191 | 9th December 2010
Andris Ambainis, Loïck Magnin, Martin Roetteler, Jérémie Roland

Symmetry-assisted adversaries for quantum state generation

We introduce a new quantum adversary method to prove lower bounds on the query complexity of the quantum state generation problem. This problem encompasses both, the computation of partial or total functions and the preparation of target quantum states. There has been hope for quite some time that quantum ... more >>>

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint