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All reports by Author Siu On Chan:

TR25-026 | 25th February 2025
Siu On Chan, Hiu Tsun Ng

How Random CSPs Fool Hierarchies: II

Relaxations for the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) include bounded width (BW), linear program (LP), semidefinite program (SDP), affine integer program (AIP), and their combinations. Tightening relaxations systematically leads to hierarchies and stronger algorithms. For LP+AIP and SDP+AIP hierarchies, various lower bounds were shown by Ciardo and Živný (STOC 2023, STOC ... more >>>

TR24-066 | 29th March 2024
Siu On Chan, Hiu Tsun Ng, Sijin Peng

How Random CSPs Fool Hierarchies

Revisions: 1

Relaxations for the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) include bounded width, linear program (LP), semidefinite program (SDP), afinfe integer program (AIP), and the combined LP+AIP of Brakensiek, Guruswami, Wrochna, and Živný (SICOMP 2020). Tightening relaxations systematically leads to hierarchies and stronger algorithms. For the LP+AIP hierarchy, a constant level lower bound ... more >>>

TR12-110 | 4th September 2012
Siu On Chan

Approximation Resistance from Pairwise Independent Subgroups

We show optimal (up to constant factor) NP-hardness for Max-k-CSP over any domain,
whenever k is larger than the domain size. This follows from our main result concerning predicates
over abelian groups. We show that a predicate is approximation resistant if it contains a subgroup that
is ... more >>>

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint