A Matching Vector ($\mathbf{MV}$) family modulo a positive integer $m \ge 2$ is a pair of ordered lists $\mathcal{U} = (\mathbf{u}_1, \cdots, \mathbf{u}_K)$ and $\mathcal{V} = (\mathbf{v}_1, \cdots, \mathbf{v}_K)$ where $\mathbf{u}_i, \mathbf{v}_j \in \mathbb{Z}_m^n$ with the following property: for any $i \in [K]$, the inner product $\langle \mathbf{u}_i, \mathbf{v}_i \rangle ... more >>>
Secret-sharing is one of the most basic and oldest primitives in cryptography, introduced by Shamir and Blakely in the 70s. It allows to strike a meaningful balance between availability and confidentiality of secret information. It has a host of applications most notably in threshold cryptography and multi-party computation. All known ... more >>>
We revisit the fundamental problem of determining seed length lower bounds for strong extractors and natural variants thereof. These variants stem from a ``change in quantifiers'' over the seeds of the extractor: While a strong extractor requires that the average output bias (over all seeds) is small for all input ... more >>>
The study of seeded randomness extractors is a major line of research in theoretical computer science. The goal is to construct deterministic algorithms which can take a ``weak" random source $X$ with min-entropy $k$ and a uniformly random seed $Y$ of length $d$, and outputs a string of length close ... more >>>
A recent trend in cryptography is to construct cryptosystems that are secure against physical attacks. Such attacks are usually divided into two classes: the \emph{leakage} attacks in which the adversary obtains some information about the internal state of the machine, and the \emph{tampering} attacks where the adversary can modify this ... more >>>
Non-malleable codes, introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs~\cite{DPW10}, provide a useful message integrity guarantee in situations where traditional error-correction (and even error-detection) is impossible; for example, when the attacker can completely overwrite the encoded message. Informally, a code is non-malleable if the message contained in a modified codeword is either ... more >>>
Non-malleable codes provide a useful and meaningful security guarantee in situations where traditional error-correction (and even error-detection) is impossible; for example, when the attacker can completely overwrite the encoded message. Informally, a code is non-malleable if the message contained in a modified codeword is either the original message, or a ... more >>>
We give several improvements on the known hardness of the unique shortest vector problem in lattices, i.e., the problem of finding a shortest vector in a given lattice given a promise that the shortest vector is unique upto a uniqueness factor $\gamma$.
We give a deterministic reduction from the ...
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