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All reports by Author Robin Kothari:

TR21-016 | 16th February 2021
Shalev Ben-David, Mika Göös, Siddhartha Jain, Robin Kothari

Unambiguous DNFs from Hex

Revisions: 1

We exhibit an unambiguous $k$-DNF formula that requires CNF width $\tilde{\Omega}(k^{1.5})$. Our construction is inspired by the board game Hex and it is vastly simpler than previous ones, which achieved at best an exponent of $1.22$. Our result is known to imply several other improved separations in query and communication ... more >>>

TR20-066 | 28th April 2020
Scott Aaronson, Shalev Ben-David, Robin Kothari, Avishay Tal

Quantum Implications of Huang's Sensitivity Theorem

Based on the recent breakthrough of Huang (2019), we show that for any total Boolean function $f$, the deterministic query complexity, $D(f)$, is at most quartic in the quantum query complexity, $Q(f)$: $D(f) = O(Q(f)^4)$. This matches the known separation (up to log factors) due to Ambainis, Balodis, Belovs, Lee, ... more >>>

TR19-089 | 21st June 2019
Adam Bene Watts, Robin Kothari, Luke Schaeffer, Avishay Tal

Exponential separation between shallow quantum circuits and unbounded fan-in shallow classical circuits

Recently, Bravyi, Gosset, and König (Science, 2018) exhibited a search problem called the 2D Hidden Linear Function (2D HLF) problem that can be solved exactly by a constant-depth quantum circuit using bounded fan-in gates (or QNC^0 circuits), but cannot be solved by any constant-depth classical circuit using bounded fan-in AND, ... more >>>

TR19-062 | 18th April 2019
Scott Aaronson, Robin Kothari, William Kretschmer, Justin Thaler

Quantum Lower Bounds for Approximate Counting via Laurent Polynomials

Revisions: 2

This paper proves new limitations on the power of quantum computers to solve approximate counting---that is, multiplicatively estimating the size of a nonempty set $S\subseteq [N]$.

Given only a membership oracle for $S$, it is well known that approximate counting takes $\Theta(\sqrt{N/|S|})$ quantum queries. But what if a quantum algorithm ... more >>>

TR18-156 | 8th September 2018
Mark Bun, Robin Kothari, Justin Thaler

Quantum algorithms and approximating polynomials for composed functions with shared inputs

Revisions: 2

We give new quantum algorithms for evaluating composed functions whose inputs may be shared between bottom-level gates. Let $f$ be a Boolean function and consider a function $F$ obtained by applying $f$ to conjunctions of possibly overlapping subsets of $n$ variables. If $f$ has quantum query complexity $Q(f)$, we give ... more >>>

TR17-169 | 24th October 2017
Mark Bun, Robin Kothari, Justin Thaler

The Polynomial Method Strikes Back: Tight Quantum Query Bounds via Dual Polynomials

The approximate degree of a Boolean function $f$ is the least degree of a real polynomial that approximates $f$ pointwise to error at most $1/3$. The approximate degree of $f$ is known to be a lower bound on the quantum query complexity of $f$ (Beals et al., FOCS 1998 and ... more >>>

TR16-087 | 30th May 2016
Shalev Ben-David, Robin Kothari

Randomized query complexity of sabotaged and composed functions

We study the composition question for bounded-error randomized query complexity: Is R(f o g) = Omega(R(f) R(g)) for all Boolean functions f and g? We show that inserting a simple Boolean function h, whose query complexity is only Theta(log R(g)), in between f and g allows us to prove R(f ... more >>>

TR16-072 | 4th May 2016
Anurag Anshu, Aleksandrs Belovs, Shalev Ben-David, Mika G\"o{\"o}s, Rahul Jain, Robin Kothari, Troy Lee, Miklos Santha

Separations in communication complexity using cheat sheets and information complexity

While exponential separations are known between quantum and randomized communication complexity for partial functions, e.g. Raz [1999], the best known separation between these measures for a total function is quadratic, witnessed by the disjointness function. We give the first super-quadratic separation between quantum and randomized
communication complexity for a ... more >>>

TR15-195 | 3rd December 2015
Robin Kothari

Nearly optimal separations between communication (or query) complexity and partitions

We show a nearly quadratic separation between deterministic communication complexity and the logarithm of the partition number, which is essentially optimal. This improves upon a recent power 1.5 separation of Göös, Pitassi, and Watson (FOCS 2015). In query complexity, we establish a nearly quadratic separation between deterministic (and even randomized) ... more >>>

TR15-175 | 5th November 2015
Scott Aaronson, Shalev Ben-David, Robin Kothari

Separations in query complexity using cheat sheets

We show a power 2.5 separation between bounded-error randomized and quantum query complexity for a total Boolean function, refuting the widely believed conjecture that the best such separation could only be quadratic (from Grover's algorithm). We also present a total function with a power 4 separation between quantum query complexity ... more >>>

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