We study the complexity of representing polynomials by arithmetic circuits in both the commutative and the non-commutative settings. Our approach goes through a precise understanding of the more restricted setting where multiplication is not associative, meaning that we distinguish $(xy)z$ from $x(yz)$.
Our first and main conceptual result is a ... more >>>
This paper studies lower bounds for arithmetic circuits computing (non-commutative) polynomials. Our conceptual contribution is an exact correspondence between circuits and weighted automata: algebraic branching programs are captured by weighted automata over words, and circuits with unique parse trees by weighted automata over trees.
The key notion for understanding the ... more >>>
The notion of online space complexity, introduced by Karp in 1967, quantifies the amount of states required to solve a given problem using an online algorithm,
represented by a machine which scans the input exactly once from left to right.
In this paper, we study alternating machines as introduced by ...
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