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Reports tagged with concurrent zero-knowledge:
TR99-024 | 25th June 1999
Oded Goldreich, Silvio Micali.

Interleaved Zero-Knowledge in the Public-Key Model.

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

We introduce the notion of Interleaved Zero-Knowledge (iZK),
a new security measure for cryptographic protocols which strengthens
the classical notion of zero-knowledge, in a way suitable for multiple
concurrent executions in an asynchronous environment like the internet.
We prove that iZK protocols are robust: they are ``parallelizable'',
and ... more >>>

TR99-042 | 24th October 1999
Ran Canetti, Oded Goldreich, Silvio Micali.

Resettable Zero-Knowledge.

Revisions: 1

We introduce the notion of Resettable Zero-Knowledge (rZK),
a new security measure for cryptographic protocols
which strengthens the classical notion of zero-knowledge.
In essence, an rZK protocol is one that remains zero knowledge
even if an adeversary can interact with the prover many times, each
time ... more >>>

TR07-002 | 8th November 2006
Moti Yung, Yunlei Zhao

Concurrent Knowledge-Extraction in the Public-Key Model

Comments: 2

Knowledge extraction is a fundamental notion, modeling knowledge possession in a computational complexity sense. The notion provides a tool for cryptographic protocol design and analysis, enabling one to argue about the internal state of protocol players. We define and
investigate the relative power of the notion of ``concurrent knowledge-extraction'' ... more >>>

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