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Reports tagged with symmetries:
TR06-091 | 29th May 2006
Felix Brandt, Felix Fischer, Markus Holzer

Symmetries and the Complexity of Pure Nash Equilibrium

Strategic games may exhibit symmetries in a variety of ways. A common aspect of symmetry, enabling the compact representation of games even when the number of players is unbounded, is that players cannot (or need not) distinguish between the other players. We define four classes of symmetric games by considering ... more >>>

TR07-136 | 28th November 2007
Felix Brandt, Felix Fischer, Markus Holzer

Equilibria of Graphical Games with Symmetries

We study graphical games where the payoff function of each player satisfies one of four types of symmetries in the actions of his neighbors. We establish that deciding the existence of a pure Nash equilibrium is NP-hard in graphical games with each of the four types of symmetry. Using a ... more >>>

TR10-051 | 26th March 2010
Madhu Sudan

Invariance in Property Testing

Property testing considers the task of testing rapidly (in particular, with very few samples into the data), if some massive data satisfies some given property, or is far from satisfying the property. For ``global properties'', i.e., properties that really depend somewhat on every piece of the data, one could ask ... more >>>

TR11-005 | 20th January 2011
Madhu Sudan

Testing Linear Properties: Some general themes

Revisions: 1

The last two decades have seen enormous progress in the development of sublinear-time algorithms --- i.e., algorithms that examine/reveal properties of ``data'' in less time than it would take to read all of the data. A large, and important, subclass of such properties turn out to be ``linear''. In particular, ... more >>>

TR11-079 | 9th May 2011
Eli Ben-Sasson, Elena Grigorescu, Ghid Maatouk, Amir Shpilka, Madhu Sudan

On Sums of Locally Testable Affine Invariant Properties

Affine-invariant properties are an abstract class of properties that generalize some
central algebraic ones, such as linearity and low-degree-ness, that have been
studied extensively in the context of property testing. Affine invariant properties
consider functions mapping a big field $\mathbb{F}_{q^n}$ to the subfield $\mathbb{F}_q$ and include all
properties that form ... more >>>

TR18-164 | 18th September 2018
Nikhil Gupta, Chandan Saha

On the symmetries of design polynomials

Revisions: 1

In a Nisan-Wigderson design polynomial (in short, a design polynomial), the gcd of every pair of monomials has a low degree. A useful example of such a polynomial is the following:
$$\text{NW}_{d,k}(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{h \in \mathbb{F}_d[z], ~\deg(h) \leq k}{~~~~\prod_{i = 0}^{d-1}{x_{i, h(i)}}},$$
where $d$ is a prime, $\mathbb{F}_d$ is the ... more >>>

TR19-057 | 6th April 2019
Olaf Beyersdorff, Joshua Blinkhorn

Proof Complexity of Symmetry Learning in QBF

For quantified Boolean formulas (QBF), a resolution system with a symmetry rule was recently introduced by Kauers and Seidl (Inf. Process. Lett. 2018). In this system, many formulas hard for QBF resolution admit short proofs.

Kauers and Seidl apply the symmetry rule on symmetries of the original formula. Here we ... more >>>

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