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Reports tagged with time complexity:
TR06-111 | 18th July 2006
Artur Czumaj, Miroslaw Kowaluk, Andrzej Lingas

Faster algorithms for finding lowest common ancestors in directed acyclic graphs

Revisions: 2

We present two new methods for finding a lowest common ancestor (LCA)
for each pair of vertices of a directed acyclic graph (dag) on
n vertices and m edges.

The first method is a natural approach that solves the all-pairs LCA
problem for the input dag in time O(nm).

The ... more >>>

TR06-115 | 26th July 2006
Artur Czumaj, Andrzej Lingas

Finding a Heaviest Triangle is not Harder than Matrix Multiplication

We show that for any $\epsilon > 0$, a maximum-weight triangle in an
undirected graph with $n$ vertices and real weights assigned to
vertices can be found in time $\O(n^{\omega} + n^{2 + \epsilon})$,
where $\omega $ is the exponent of fastest matrix multiplication
algorithm. By the currently best bound ... more >>>

TR08-076 | 17th June 2008
Ryan Williams

Non-Linear Time Lower Bound for (Succinct) Quantified Boolean Formulas

We prove a model-independent non-linear time lower bound for a slight generalization of the quantified Boolean formula problem (QBF). In particular, we give a reduction from arbitrary languages in alternating time t(n) to QBFs describable in O(t(n)) bits by a reasonable (polynomially) succinct encoding. The reduction works for many reasonable ... more >>>

TR25-017 | 24th February 2025
Ryan Williams

Simulating Time in Square-Root Space

We show that for all functions $t(n) \geq n$, every multitape Turing machine running in time $t$ can be simulated in space only $O(\sqrt{t \log t})$. This is a substantial improvement over Hopcroft, Paul, and Valiant's simulation of time $t$ in $O(t/\log t)$ space from 50 years ago [FOCS 1975, ... more >>>

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