This paper studies the existence of efficient (small size)
amplifiers for proving explicit inaproximability results for bounded degree
and bounded occurrence combinatorial optimization problems, and gives
an explicit construction for such amplifiers. We use this construction
also later to improve the currently best known approximation lower bounds
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We improve a number of approximation lower bounds for
bounded occurrence optimization problems like MAX-2SAT,
E2-LIN-2, Maximum Independent Set and Maximum-3D-Matching.
We prove approximation hardness of short symmetric instances
of MAX-3SAT in which each literal occurs exactly twice, and
each clause is exactly of size 3. We display also an explicit
approximation lower bound for that problem. The bound two on
the number ...
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We study the problem of absolute approximability of MAX-CSP problems with the global constraints. We prove existence of an efficient sampling method for the MAX-CSP class of problems with linear global constraints and bounded feasibility gap. It gives for the first time a polynomial in epsilon^-1 sample complexity bound for ... more >>>