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Reports tagged with covering codes:
TR06-003 | 8th January 2006
Joshua Buresh-Oppenheim, Rahul Santhanam

Making Hard Problems Harder

We consider a general approach to the hoary problem of (im)proving circuit lower bounds. We define notions of hardness condensing and hardness extraction, in analogy to the corresponding notions from the computational theory of randomness. A hardness condenser is a procedure that takes in a Boolean function as input, as ... more >>>

TR19-180 | 6th December 2019
Andreas Lenz, Cyrus Rashtchian, Paul Siegel, Eitan Yaakobi

Covering Codes for Insertions and Deletions

Revisions: 1

A covering code is a set of codewords with the property that the union of balls, suitably defined, around these codewords covers an entire space. Generally, the goal is to find the covering code with the minimum size codebook. While most prior work on covering codes has focused on the ... more >>>

TR23-157 | 31st October 2023
Vladimir Podolskii, Dmitrii Sluch

One-Way Communication Complexity of Partial XOR Functions

Revisions: 1

Boolean function $F(x,y)$ for $x,y \in \{0,1\}^n$ is an XOR function if $F(x,y) = f(x\oplus y)$ for some function $f$ on $n$ input bits, where $\oplus$ is a bit-wise XOR. XOR functions are relevant in communication complexity, partially for allowing Fourier analytic technique. For total XOR functions it is known ... more >>>

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