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Reports tagged with random oracle:
TR96-035 | 27th March 1996
Ronald V. Book, Heribert Vollmer, Klaus W. Wagner

Probabilistic Type-2 Operators and ``Almost''-Classes

We define and examine several probabilistic operators ranging over sets
(i.e., operators of type 2), among them the formerly studied
ALMOST-operator. We compare their power and prove that they all coincide
for a wide variety of classes. As a consequence, we characterize the
ALMOST-operator which ranges over infinite objects ... more >>>

TR04-066 | 6th July 2004
Tomoyuki Yamakami, Toshio Suzuki

Resource Bounded Immunity and Simplicity

Revisiting the thirty years-old notions of resource-bounded immunity and simplicity, we investigate the structural characteristics of various immunity notions: strong immunity, almost immunity, and hyperimmunity as well as their corresponding simplicity notions. We also study limited immunity and simplicity, called k-immunity and feasible k-immunity, and their simplicity notions. Finally, we ... more >>>

TR18-031 | 15th February 2018
Iftach Haitner, Noam Mazor, Rotem Oshman, Omer Reingold, Amir Yehudayoff

On the Communication Complexity of Key-Agreement Protocols

Revisions: 2

Key-agreement protocols whose security is proven in the random oracle model are an important alternative to the more common public-key based key-agreement protocols. In the random oracle model, the parties and the eavesdropper have access to a shared random function (an "oracle"), but they are limited in the number of ... more >>>

TR23-123 | 21st August 2023
Noam Mazor

Key-Agreement with Perfect Completeness from Random Oracles

In the Random Oracle Model (ROM) all parties have oracle access to a common random function, and the parties are limited in the number of queries they can make to the oracle. The Merkle’s Puzzles protocol, introduced by Merkle [CACM ’78], is a key-agreement protocol in the ROM with a ... more >>>

TR23-165 | 5th November 2023
Rahul Ilango

SAT Reduces to the Minimum Circuit Size Problem with a Random Oracle

Revisions: 1

The Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP) asks, given the truth table of a Boolean function $f$ and an integer $s$, if there is a circuit computing $f$ of size at most $s.$ It has been an open question since Levin's seminal work on NP-completeness whether MCSP is NP-complete. This question ... more >>>

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