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Reports tagged with nondeterministic logspace:
TR98-019 | 5th April 1998
Eric Allender, Klaus Reinhardt

Isolation, Matching, and Counting

We show that the perfect matching problem is in the
complexity class SPL (in the nonuniform setting).
This provides a better upper bound on the complexity of the
matching problem, as well as providing motivation for studying
the complexity class SPL.

Using similar ... more >>>

TR98-023 | 16th April 1998
Eric Allender, Shiyu Zhou

Uniform Inclusions in Nondeterministic Logspace

We show that the complexity class LogFew is contained
in NL $\cap$ SPL. Previously, this was known only to
hold in the nonuniform setting.

more >>>

TR05-148 | 6th December 2005
Eric Allender, Samir Datta, Sambuddha Roy

The Directed Planar Reachability Problem

Revisions: 1

We investigate the s-t-connectivity problem for directed planar graphs, which is hard for L and is contained in NL but is not known to be complete. We show that this problem is logspace-reducible to its complement, and we show that the problem of searching graphs of genus 1 reduces to ... more >>>

TR23-097 | 2nd July 2023
Joshua Cook, Ron D. Rothblum

Efficient Interactive Proofs for Non-Deterministic Bounded Space

Revisions: 1

The celebrated $\mathbf{IP}=\mathbf{PSPACE}$ Theorem gives an efficient interactive proof for any bounded-space algorithm. In this work we study interactive proofs for non-deterministic bounded space computations. While Savitch's Theorem shows that nondeterministic bounded-space algorithms can be simulated by deterministic bounded-space algorithms, this simulation has a quadratic overhead. We give interactive protocols ... more >>>

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