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Reports tagged with reduction:
TR98-026 | 5th May 1998
Richard Beigel

Gaps in Bounded Query Hierarchies

Prior results show that most bounded query hierarchies cannot
contain finite gaps. For example, it is known that
P<sub>(<i>m</i>+1)-tt</sub><sup>SAT</sup> = P<sub><i>m</i>-tt</sub><sup>SAT</sup> implies P<sub>btt</sub><sup>SAT</sup> = P<sub><i>m</i>-tt</sub><sup>SAT</sup>
and for all sets <i>A</i>
<li> FP<sub>(<i>m</i>+1)-tt</sub><sup><i>A</i></sup> = FP<sub><i>m</i>-tt</sub><sup><i>A</i></sup> implies FP<sub>btt</sub><sup><i>A</i></sup> = FP<sub><i>m</i>-tt</sub><sup><i>A</i></sup>
<li> P<sub>(<i>m</i>+1)-T</sub><sup><i>A</i></sup> = P<sub><i>m</i>-T</sub><sup><i>A</i></sup> implies P<sub>bT</sub><sup><i>A</i></sup> = ... more >>>

TR02-004 | 2nd November 2001
Till Tantau

A Note on the Power of Extra Queries to Membership Comparable Sets

A language is called k-membership comparable if there exists a
polynomial-time algorithm that excludes for any k words one of
the 2^k possibilities for their characteristic string.
It is known that all membership comparable languages can be
reduced to some P-selective language with polynomially many
adaptive queries. We show however ... more >>>

TR08-093 | 1st October 2008
Cristopher Moore, Alexander Russell

A simple constant-probability RP reduction from NP to Parity P

The proof of Toda's celebrated theorem that the polynomial hierarchy is contained in $\P^\numP$ relies on the fact that, under mild technical conditions on the complexity class $\mathcal{C}$, we have $\exists \,\mathcal{C} \subset \BP \cdot \oplus \,\mathcal{C}$. More concretely, there is a randomized reduction which transforms nonempty sets and the ... more >>>

TR09-023 | 12th March 2009
Akinori Kawachi, Osamu Watanabe

Strong Hardness Preserving Reduction from a P-Samplable Distribution to the Uniform Distribution for NP-Search Problems

Impagliazzo and Levin demonstrated [IL90] that the average-case hardness of any NP-search problem under any P-samplable distribution implies that of another NP-search problem under the uniform distribution. For this they developed a way to define a reduction from an NP-search problem F with ``mild hardness'' under any P-samplable distribution H; ... more >>>

TR11-113 | 11th August 2011
Emanuele Viola

Reducing 3XOR to listing triangles, an exposition

The 3SUM problem asks if there are three integers $a,b,c$ summing to $0$ in a given set of $n$ integers of magnitude poly($n$). Patrascu (STOC '10) reduces solving 3SUM in time $n^{2-\Omega(1)}$ to listing $m$ triangles in a graph with $m$ edges in time $m^{4/3-\Omega(1)}$.
In this note we present ... more >>>

TR13-099 | 6th July 2013
Hamidreza Jahanjou, Eric Miles, Emanuele Viola

Local reductions

Revisions: 3

We reduce non-deterministic time $T \ge 2^n$ to a 3SAT
instance $\phi$ of size $|\phi| = T \cdot \log^{O(1)} T$
such that there is an explicit circuit $C$ that on input
an index $i$ of $\log |\phi|$ bits outputs the $i$th
clause, and each output bit of $C$ depends on ... more >>>

TR22-020 | 18th February 2022
Vahid Reza Asadi, Alexander Golovnev, Tom Gur, Igor Shinkar

Worst-Case to Average-Case Reductions via Additive Combinatorics

We present a new framework for designing worst-case to average-case reductions. For a large class of problems, it provides an explicit transformation of algorithms running in time $T$ that are only correct on a small (subconstant) fraction of their inputs into algorithms running in time $\widetilde{O}(T)$ that are correct on ... more >>>

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