Computing the Fourier transform is a basic building block used in numerous applications. For data intensive applications, even the $O(N\log N)$ running time of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm may be too slow, and {\em sub-linear} running time is necessary. Clearly, outputting the entire Fourier transform in sub-linear ... more >>>
For any $00$, we give an efficient
deterministic construction of a linear subspace $V \subseteq
\R^n$, of dimension $(1-\epsilon)n$ in which the $\ell_p$ and
$\ell_r$ norms are the same up to a multiplicative factor of
$\poly(\epsilon^{-1})$ (after the correct normalization). As a
corollary we get a deterministic compressed sensing algorithm
more >>>
We study the problem of obtaining efficient, deterministic, black-box polynomial identity testing algorithms for depth-3 set-multilinear circuits (over arbitrary fields). This class of circuits has an efficient, deterministic, white-box polynomial identity testing algorithm (due to Raz and Shpilka), but has no known such black-box algorithm. We recast this problem as ... more >>>
We prove that a random linear code over $\mathbb{F}_q$, with probability arbitrarily close to $1$, is list decodable at radius $1-1/q-\epsilon$ with list size $L=O(1/\epsilon^2)$ and rate $R=\Omega_q(\epsilon^2/(\log^3(1/\epsilon)))$. Up to the polylogarithmic factor in $1/\epsilon$ and constant factors depending on $q$, this matches the lower bound $L=\Omega_q(1/\epsilon^2)$ for the list ... more >>>
For every fixed constant $\alpha > 0$, we design an algorithm for computing the $k$-sparse Walsh-Hadamard transform of an $N$-dimensional vector $x \in \mathbb{R}^N$ in time $k^{1+\alpha} (\log N)^{O(1)}$. Specifically, the algorithm is given query access to $x$ and computes a $k$-sparse $\tilde{x} \in \mathbb{R}^N$ satisfying $\|\tilde{x} - \hat{x}\|_1 \leq ... more >>>
Proving super-logarithmic data structure lower bounds in the static \emph{group model} has been a fundamental challenge in computational geometry since the early 80's. We prove a polynomial ($n^{\Omega(1)}$) lower bound for an explicit range counting problem of $n^3$ convex polygons in $\R^2$ (each with $n^{\tilde{O}(1)}$ facets/semialgebraic-complexity), against linear storage arithmetic ... more >>>