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Reports tagged with quantum lower bound:
TR04-023 | 21st January 2004
Yaoyun Shi

Quantum and Classical Tradeoffs

We initiate the study of quantifying the quantumness of
a quantum circuit by the number of gates that do not preserve
the computational basis, as a means to understand the nature
of quantum algorithmic speedups.
Intuitively, a reduction in the quantumness requires
an increase in the amount of classical computation, ... more >>>

TR14-109 | 14th August 2014
Aran Nayebi, Scott Aaronson, Aleksandrs Belovs, Luca Trevisan

Quantum lower bound for inverting a permutation with advice

Revisions: 1

Given a random permutation $f: [N] \to [N]$ as a black box and $y \in [N]$, we want to output $x = f^{-1}(y)$. Supplementary to our input, we are given classical advice in the form of a pre-computed data structure; this advice can depend on the permutation but \emph{not} on ... more >>>

TR24-011 | 24th January 2024
Paul Beame, Niels Kornerup

Quantum Time-Space Tradeoffs for Matrix Problems

Revisions: 1

We consider the time and space required for quantum computers to solve a wide variety of problems involving matrices, many of which have only been analyzed classically in prior work. Our main results show that for a range of linear algebra problems---including matrix-vector product, matrix inversion, matrix multiplication and powering---existing ... more >>>

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