Deciding whether a vertex in a graph is reachable from another
vertex has been studied intensively in complexity theory and is
well understood. For common types of graphs like directed graphs,
undirected graphs, dags or trees it takes a (possibly
nondeterministic) logspace machine to decide the reachability
problem, and ...
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This paper introduces logspace optimisation problems as
analogues of the well-studied polynomial-time optimisation
problems. Similarly to them, logspace
optimisation problems can have vastly different approximation
properties, even though the underlying existence and budget problems
have the same computational complexity. Numerous natural problems
are presented that exhibit such a varying ...
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We consider the following simple algorithm for feedback arc set problem in weighted tournaments --- order the vertices by their weighted indegrees. We show that this algorithm has an approximation guarantee of $5$ if the weights satisfy \textit{probability constraints}
(for any pair of vertices $u$ and $v$, $w_{uv}+w_{vu}=1$). Special cases ...
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