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Reports tagged with argument systems:
TR04-083 | 8th September 2004
Boaz Barak, Yehuda Lindell, Salil Vadhan

Lower Bounds for Non-Black-Box Zero Knowledge

We show new lower bounds and impossibility results for general (possibly <i>non-black-box</i>) zero-knowledge proofs and arguments. Our main results are that, under reasonable complexity assumptions:
<li> There does not exist a two-round zero-knowledge <i>proof</i> system with perfect completeness for an NP-complete language. The previous impossibility result for two-round zero ... more >>>

TR18-161 | 13th September 2018
Justin Holmgren, Ron Rothblum

Delegating Computations with (almost) Minimal Time and Space Overhead

The problem of verifiable delegation of computation considers a setting in which a client wishes to outsource an expensive computation to a powerful, but untrusted, server. Since the client does not trust the server, we would like the server to certify the correctness of the result. Delegation has emerged as ... more >>>

TR22-057 | 25th April 2022
Lijie Chen, Roei Tell

When Arthur has Neither Random Coins nor Time to Spare: Superfast Derandomization of Proof Systems

Revisions: 2

What is the actual cost of derandomization? And can we get it for free? These questions were recently raised by Doron et. al (FOCS 2020) and have been attracting considerable interest. In this work we extend the study of these questions to the setting of *derandomizing interactive proofs systems*.

... more >>>

TR24-116 | 6th July 2024
Lijie Chen, Ron D. Rothblum, Roei Tell

Fiat-Shamir in the Plain Model from Derandomization (Or: Do Efficient Algorithms Believe that NP = PSPACE?)

A classical challenge in complexity theory and cryptography is to simulate interactive proof systems by non-interactive proof systems. In this work we leverage approaches from recent works in derandomization to address this challenge, focusing on non-interactive simulations that are sound against uniform adversarial algorithms.

Our results concern fundamental questions in ... more >>>

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