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Reports tagged with Graph complexity:
TR04-005 | 19th January 2004
Stasys Jukna

On Graph Complexity

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

A boolean circuit $f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ \emph{represents} a graph $G$
on $n$ vertices if for every input vector $a\in\{0,1\}^n$ with
precisely two $1$'s in, say, positions $i$ and $j$, $f(a)=1$
precisely when $i$ and $j$ are adjacent in $G$; on inputs with more
or less than two ... more >>>

TR16-181 | 15th November 2016
Avishay Tal

The Bipartite Formula Complexity of Inner-Product is Quadratic

A bipartite formula on binary variables $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ and $y_1, \ldots, y_n$ is a binary tree whose internal nodes are marked with AND or OR gates and whose leaves may compute any function of either the $x$ or $y$ variables. We show that any bipartite formula for the Inner-Product ... more >>>

TR25-033 | 18th March 2025
Bruno Pasqualotto Cavalar, Igor Oliveira

Boolean Circuit Complexity and Two-Dimensional Cover Problems

We reduce the problem of proving deterministic and nondeterministic Boolean circuit size lower bounds to the analysis of certain two-dimensional combinatorial cover problems. This is obtained by combining results of Razborov (1989), Karchmer (1993), and Wigderson (1993) in the context of the fusion method for circuit lower bounds with the ... more >>>

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