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Reports tagged with k-wise independence:
TR09-012 | 4th February 2009
Noga Alon, Shai Gutner

Balanced Hashing, Color Coding and Approximate Counting

Color Coding is an algorithmic technique for deciding efficiently
if a given input graph contains a path of a given length (or
another small subgraph of constant tree-width). Applications of the
method in computational biology motivate the study of similar
algorithms for counting the number of copies of a ... more >>>

TR09-016 | 21st February 2009
Ilias Diakonikolas, Parikshit Gopalan, Ragesh Jaiswal, Rocco Servedio, Emanuele Viola

Bounded Independence Fools Halfspaces

We show that any distribution on {-1,1}^n that is k-wise independent fools any halfspace h with error \eps for k = O(\log^2(1/\eps)/\eps^2). Up to logarithmic factors, our result matches a lower bound by Benjamini, Gurel-Gurevich, and Peled (2007) showing that k = \Omega(1/(\eps^2 \cdot \log(1/\eps))). Using standard constructions of k-wise ... more >>>

TR10-109 | 11th July 2010
Scott Aaronson

A Counterexample to the Generalized Linial-Nisan Conjecture

In earlier work, we gave an oracle separating the relational versions of BQP and the polynomial hierarchy, and showed that an oracle separating the decision versions would follow from what we called the Generalized Linial-Nisan (GLN) Conjecture: that "almost k-wise independent" distributions are indistinguishable from the uniform distribution by constant-depth ... more >>>

TR11-049 | 9th April 2011
Noga Alon, Shachar Lovett

Almost k-wise vs. k-wise independent permutations, and uniformity for general group actions

A family of permutations in $S_n$ is $k$-wise independent if a uniform permutation chosen from the family maps any distinct $k$ elements to any distinct $k$ elements equally likely. Efficient constructions of $k$-wise independent permutations are known for $k=2$ and $k=3$, but are unknown for $k \ge 4$. In fact, ... more >>>

TR14-174 | 14th December 2014
Avishay Tal

Tight bounds on The Fourier Spectrum of $AC^0$

Revisions: 2

We show that $AC^0$ circuits of depth $d$ and size $m$ have at most $2^{-\Omega(k/(\log m)^{d-1})}$ of their Fourier mass at level $k$ or above. Our proof builds on a previous result by H{\aa}stad (SICOMP, 2014) who proved this bound for the special case $k=n$. Our result is tight up ... more >>>

TR25-020 | 3rd March 2025
Harm Derksen, Peter Ivanov, Chin Ho Lee, Emanuele Viola

Pseudorandomness, symmetry, smoothing: I

We prove several new results about bounded uniform and small-bias distributions. A main message is that, small-bias, even perturbed with noise, does not fool several classes of tests better than bounded uniformity. We prove this for threshold tests, small-space algorithms, and small-depth circuits. In particular, we obtain small-bias distributions that

... more >>>

TR25-021 | 3rd March 2025
Harm Derksen, Peter Ivanov, Chin Ho Lee, Emanuele Viola

Pseudorandomness, symmetry, smoothing: II

We prove several new results on the Hamming weight of bounded uniform and small-bias distributions.

We exhibit bounded-uniform distributions whose weight is anti-concentrated, matching existing concentration inequalities. This construction relies on a recent result in approximation theory due to Erdéyi (Acta Arithmetica 2016). In particular, we match the classical tail ... more >>>

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