For a {0,1}-valued matrix $M$ let CC($M$) denote the deterministic communication complexity of the boolean function associated with $M$. The log-rank conjecture of Lovasz and Saks [FOCS 1988] states that CC($M$) is at most $\log^c({\mbox{rank}}(M))$ for some absolute constant $c$ where rank($M$) denotes the rank of $M$ over the field ... more >>>
We prove that several measures in communication complexity are equivalent, up to polynomial factors in the logarithm of the rank of the associated matrix: deterministic communication complexity, randomized communication complexity, information cost and zero-communication cost. This shows that in order to prove the log-rank conjecture, it suffices to show that ... more >>>
The log-rank conjecture is one of the fundamental open problems in communication complexity. It speculates that the deterministic communication complexity of any two-party function is equal to the log of the rank of its associated matrix, up to polynomial factors. Despite much research, we still know very little about this ... more >>>
For every constant $\epsilon>0$, we give an $\exp(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}))$-time algorithm for the $1$ vs $1-\epsilon$ Best Separable State (BSS) problem of distinguishing, given an $n^2\times n^2$ matrix $M$ corresponding to a quantum measurement, between the case that there is a separable (i.e., non-entangled) state $\rho$ that $M$ accepts with probability $1$, ... more >>>
We study parity decision trees for Boolean functions. The motivation of our study is the log-rank conjecture for XOR functions and its connection to Fourier analysis and parity decision tree complexity. Our contributions are as follows. Let $f : \mathbb{F}_2^n \to \{-1, 1\}$ be a Boolean function with Fourier support ... more >>>
Several theorems and conjectures in communication complexity state or speculate that the complexity of a matrix in a given communication model is controlled by a related analytic or algebraic matrix parameter, e.g., rank, sign-rank, discrepancy, etc. The forward direction is typically easy as the structural implications of small complexity often ... more >>>