Let two linear matroids have the same rank in matroid intersection.
A maximum linear matroid intersection (maximum linear matroid parity
set) is called a basic matroid intersection (basic matroid parity
set), if its size is the rank of the matroid. We present that
enumerating all basic matroid intersections (basic matroid ...
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Given two matroids on the same ground set, the matroid intersection problem asks to find a common independent set of maximum size. We show that the linear matroid intersection problem is in quasi-NC$^2$. That is, it has uniform circuits of quasi-polynomial size $n^{O(\log n)}$, and $O(\log^2 n)$ depth. This generalizes ... more >>>
We study the matroid intersection problem from the parallel complexity perspective. Given
two matroids over the same ground set, the problem asks to decide whether they have a common base and its search version asks to find a common base, if one exists. Another widely studied variant is the weighted ...
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