We call a depth-$4$ formula $C$ $\textit{ set-depth-4}$ if there exists a (unknown) partition $X_1\sqcup\cdots\sqcup X_d$ of the variable indices $[n]$ that the top product layer respects, i.e. $C(\mathbf{x})=\sum_{i=1}^k {\prod_{j=1}^{d} {f_{i,j}(\mathbf{x}_{X_j})}}$ $ ,$ where $f_{i,j}$ is a $\textit{sparse}$ polynomial in $\mathbb{F}[\mathbf{x}_{X_j}]$. Extending this definition to any depth - we call ... more >>>
We survey the area of algebraic complexity theory; with the focus being on the problem of polynomial identity testing (PIT). We discuss the key ideas that have gone into the results of the last few years.
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