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Reports tagged with depth-2 circuits:
TR13-051 | 2nd April 2013
Eric Blais, Li-Yang Tan

Approximating Boolean functions with depth-2 circuits

We study the complexity of approximating Boolean functions with DNFs and other depth-2 circuits, exploring two main directions: universal bounds on the approximability of all Boolean functions, and the approximability of the parity function.
In the first direction, our main positive results are the first non-trivial universal upper bounds on ... more >>>

TR17-092 | 10th May 2017
Shuichi Hirahara

A Duality Between Depth-Three Formulas and Approximation by Depth-Two

We establish an explicit link between depth-3 formulas and one-sided approximation by depth-2 formulas, which were previously studied independently. Specifically, we show that the minimum size of depth-3 formulas is (up to a factor of n) equal to the inverse of the maximum, over all depth-2 formulas, of one-sided-error correlation ... more >>>

TR23-012 | 16th February 2023
Yogesh Dahiya, Vignesh K, Meena Mahajan, Karteek Sreenivasaiah

Linear threshold functions in decision lists, decision trees, and depth-2 circuits

We show that polynomial-size constant-rank linear decision trees (LDTs) can be converted to polynomial-size depth-2 threshold circuits LTF$\circ$LTF. An intermediate construct is polynomial-size decision lists that query a conjunction of a constant number of linear threshold functions (LTFs); we show that these are equivalent to polynomial-size exact linear decision lists ... more >>>

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint