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Reports tagged with Multivariate Polynomial Factorization:
TR15-042 | 30th March 2015
Ilya Volkovich

Computations beyond Exponentiation Gates and Applications

In Arithmetic Circuit Complexity the standard operations are $\{+,\times\}$.
Yet, in some scenarios exponentiation gates are considered as well (see e.g. \cite{BshoutyBshouty98,ASSS12,Kayal12,KSS14}).
In this paper we study the question of efficiently evaluating a polynomial given an oracle access to its power.
That is, beyond an exponentiation gate. As ... more >>>

TR18-130 | 16th July 2018
Vishwas Bhargava, Shubhangi Saraf, Ilya Volkovich

Deterministic Factorization of Sparse Polynomials with Bounded Individual Degree

In this paper we study the problem of deterministic factorization of sparse polynomials. We show that if $f \in \mathbb{F}[x_{1},x_{2},\ldots ,x_{n}]$ is a polynomial with $s$ monomials, with individual degrees of its variables bounded by $d$, then $f$ can be deterministically factored in time $s^{\poly(d) \log n}$. Prior to our ... more >>>

TR22-070 | 8th May 2022
Pranav Bisht, Ilya Volkovich

On Solving Sparse Polynomial Factorization Related Problems

Revisions: 6

In a recent result of Bhargava, Saraf and Volkovich [FOCS’18; JACM’20], the first sparsity bound for constant individual degree polynomials was shown. In particular, it was shown that any factor of a polynomial with at most $s$ terms and individual degree bounded by $d$ can itself have at most $s^{O(d^2\log ... more >>>

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