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Reports tagged with Error correcting code:
TR22-129 | 15th September 2022
Klim Efremenko, Gillat Kol, Raghuvansh Saxena, Zhijun Zhang

Binary Codes with Resilience Beyond 1/4 via Interaction

In the reliable transmission problem, a sender, Alice, wishes to transmit a bit-string x to a remote receiver, Bob, over a binary channel with adversarial noise. The solution to this problem is to encode x using an error correcting code. As it is long known that the distance of binary ... more >>>

TR23-062 | 2nd May 2023
Benny Applebaum, Eliran Kachlon

Conflict Checkable and Decodable Codes and Their Applications

Let $C$ be an error-correcting code over a large alphabet $q$ of block length $n$, and assume that, a possibly corrupted, codeword $c$ is distributively stored among $n$ servers where the $i$th entry is being held by the $i$th server. Suppose that every pair of servers publicly announce whether the ... more >>>

TR24-110 | 1st July 2024
Joshua Cook, Dana Moshkovitz

Time and Space Efficient Deterministic Decoders

Revisions: 1

Time efficient decoding algorithms for error correcting codes often require linear space. However, locally decodable codes yield more efficient randomized decoders that run in time $n^{1+o(1)}$ and space $n^{o(1)}$. In this work we focus on deterministic decoding.
Gronemeier showed that any non-adaptive deterministic decoder for a good code running ... more >>>

TR24-159 | 19th October 2024
Dean Doron

Binary Codes with Distance Close to Half

We survey recent and classical results and techniques concerning binary codes in the large distance (or, high-noise) regime, and the closely related notion of $\varepsilon$-balanced codes. Our (hopefully small-biased) column will mainly discuss encoding, and decoding from adversarial errors.

A previous version of this text originally appeared as an ACM ... more >>>

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