The celebrated IP=PSPACE Theorem [LFKN92,Shamir92] allows an all-powerful but untrusted prover to convince a polynomial-time verifier of the validity of extremely complicated statements (as long as they can be evaluated using polynomial space). The interactive proof system designed for this purpose requires a polynomial number of communication rounds and an ... more >>>
In this work we study interactive proofs for tractable languages. The (honest) prover should be efficient and run in polynomial time, or in other words a ``muggle'' (Muggle: ``In the fiction of J.K. Rowling: a person who possesses no magical powers''; from the Oxford English Dictionary). The verifier should be ... more >>>
We construct a delegation scheme for verifying non-deterministic computations, with complexity proportional only to the non-deterministic space of the computation. Specifi cally, letting $n$ denote the input length, we construct a delegation scheme for any language veri fiable in non-deterministic time and space $(T(n);S(n))$ with communication complexity $poly(S(n))$, verifi er ... more >>>