We study the composition question for bounded-error randomized query complexity: Is R(f o g) = Omega(R(f) R(g)) for all Boolean functions f and g? We show that inserting a simple Boolean function h, whose query complexity is only Theta(log R(g)), in between f and g allows us to prove R(f ... more >>>
Let the randomized query complexity of a relation for error probability $\epsilon$ be denoted by $\R_\epsilon(\cdot)$. We prove that for any relation $f \subseteq \{0,1\}^n \times \mathcal{R}$ and Boolean function $g:\{0,1\}^m \rightarrow \{0,1\}$, $\R_{1/3}(f\circ g^n) = \Omega(\R_{4/9}(f)\cdot\R_{1/2-1/n^4}(g))$, where $f \circ g^n$ is the relation obtained by composing $f$ and $g$. ... more >>>
For any Boolean functions $f$ and $g$, the question whether $\text{R}(f\circ g) = \tilde{\Theta}(\text{R}(f) \cdot \text{R}(g))$, is known as the composition question for the randomized query complexity. Similarly, the composition question for the approximate degree asks whether $\widetilde{\text{deg}}(f\circ g) = \tilde{\Theta}(\widetilde{\text{deg}}(f)\cdot\widetilde{\text{deg}}(g))$. These questions are two of the most important and ... more >>>
One of the major open problems in complexity theory is to demonstrate an explicit function which requires super logarithmic depth, to tackle this problem Karchmer, Raz and Wigderson proposed the KRW conjecture about composition of two functions. While this conjecture seems out of our current reach, some relaxed conjectures are ... more >>>