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Reports tagged with Resolution over linear equations:
TR17-117 | 20th July 2017
Dmitry Itsykson, Alexander Knop

Hard satisfiable formulas for splittings by linear combinations

Itsykson and Sokolov in 2014 introduced the class of DPLL($\oplus$) algorithms that solve Boolean satisfiability problem using the splitting by linear combinations of variables modulo 2. This class extends the class of DPLL algorithms that split by variables. DPLL($\oplus$) algorithms solve in polynomial time systems of linear equations modulo two ... more >>>

TR18-117 | 23rd June 2018
Fedor Part, Iddo Tzameret

Resolution with Counting: Lower Bounds over Different Moduli

Revisions: 2

Resolution over linear equations (introduced in [RT08]) emerged recently as an important object of study. This refutation system, denoted Res(lin$_R$), operates with disjunction of linear equations over a ring $R$. On the one hand, the system captures a natural ``minimal'' extension of resolution in which efficient counting can be achieved; ... more >>>

TR20-034 | 12th March 2020
Erfan Khaniki

On Proof complexity of Resolution over Polynomial Calculus

Revisions: 3

The refutation system ${Res}_R({PC}_d)$ is a natural extension of resolution refutation system such that it operates with disjunctions of degree $d$ polynomials over ring $R$ with boolean variables. For $d=1$, this system is called ${Res}_R({lin})$. Based on properties of $R$, ${Res}_R({lin})$ systems can be too strong to prove lower ... more >>>

TR20-184 | 10th December 2020
Dmitry Itsykson, Artur Riazanov

Proof complexity of natural formulas via communication arguments

A canonical communication problem ${\rm Search}(\phi)$ is defined for every unsatisfiable CNF $\phi$: an assignment to the variables of $\phi$ is distributed among the communicating parties, they are to find a clause of $\phi$ falsified by this assignment. Lower bounds on the randomized $k$-party communication complexity of ${\rm Search}(\phi)$ in ... more >>>

TR22-172 | 2nd December 2022
Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Nikhil Mande, Swagato Sanyal, Suhail Sherif

Lifting to Parity Decision Trees Via Stifling

We show that the deterministic decision tree complexity of a (partial) function or relation $f$ lifts to the deterministic parity decision tree (PDT) size complexity of the composed function/relation $f \circ g$ as long as the gadget $g$ satisfies a property that we call stifling. We observe that several simple ... more >>>

TR23-187 | 27th November 2023
Klim Efremenko, Michal Garlik, Dmitry Itsykson

Lower bounds for regular resolution over parities

Revisions: 2

The proof system resolution over parities (Res($\oplus$)) operates with disjunctions of linear equations (linear clauses) over $\mathbb{F}_2$; it extends the resolution proof system by incorporating linear algebra over $\mathbb{F}_2$. Over the years, several exponential lower bounds on the size of tree-like Res($\oplus$) refutations have been established. However, proving a superpolynomial ... more >>>

TR24-022 | 6th February 2024
Sreejata Bhattacharya, Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Pavel Dvorak

Exponential Separation Between Powers of Regular and General Resolution Over Parities

Revisions: 1

Proving super-polynomial lower bounds on the size of proofs of unsatisfiability of Boolean formulas using resolution over parities, is an outstanding problem that has received a lot of attention after its introduction by Raz and Tzamaret (2008). Very recently, Efremenko, Garlik and Itsykson (2023) proved the first exponential lower bounds ... more >>>

TR24-128 | 27th August 2024
Yaroslav Alekseev, Dmitry Itsykson

Lifting to regular resolution over parities via games

Revisions: 1

The propositional proof system resolution over parities (Res($\oplus$)) combines resolution and the linear algebra over GF(2). It is a challenging open question to prove a superpolynomial lower bound on the proof size in this system. For many years, superpolynomial lower bounds were known only in tree-like cases. Recently, Efremenko, Garlik, ... more >>>

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