In this paper, we study quantum OBDD model, it is a restricted version of read-once quantum branching programs, with respect to "width" complexity. It is known that the maximal gap between deterministic and quantum complexities is exponential. But there are few examples of functions with such a gap. We present ... more >>>
Focusing on property testing tasks that have query complexity that is independent of the size of the tested object (i.e., depends on the proximity parameter only), we prove the existence of a rich hierarchy of the corresponding complexity classes.
That is, for essentially any function q:(0,1]\to\N, we prove the existence ...
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We connect the study of pseudodeterministic algorithms to two major open problems about the structural complexity of BPTIME: proving hierarchy theorems and showing the existence of complete problems. Our main contributions can be summarised as follows.
1. A new pseudorandom generator and its consequences: We build on techniques developed to ... more >>>
The Acceptance Probability Estimation Problem (APEP) is to additively approximate the acceptance probability of a Boolean circuit. This problem admits a probabilistic approximation scheme. A central question is whether we can design a pseudodeterministic approximation algorithm for this problem: a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that outputs a canonical approximation with high ... more >>>
The Circuit Size Hierarchy CSH^a_b states that if a > b \geq 1 then the set of functions on n variables computed by Boolean circuits of size n^a is strictly larger than the set of functions computed by circuits of size n^b. This result, which is a cornerstone of circuit ... more >>>