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Reports tagged with tree evaluation problem:
TR20-056 | 17th April 2020
James Cook, Ian Mertz

Catalytic Approaches to the Tree Evaluation Problem

The study of branching programs for the Tree Evaluation Problem, introduced by S. Cook et al. (TOCT 2012), remains one of the most promising approaches to separating L from P. Given a label in $[k]$ at each leaf of a complete binary tree and an explicit function in $[k]^2 \to ... more >>>

TR21-054 | 14th April 2021
James Cook, Ian Mertz

Encodings and the Tree Evaluation Problem

We show that the Tree Evaluation Problem with alphabet size $k$ and height $h$ can be solved by branching programs of size $k^{O(h/\log h)} + 2^{O(h)}$. This answers a longstanding challenge of Cook et al. (2009) and gives the first general upper bound since the problem's inception.

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TR23-174 | 15th November 2023
James Cook, Ian Mertz

Tree Evaluation is in Space O(log n ยท log log n)

The Tree Evaluation Problem ($TreeEval$) (Cook et al. 2009) is a central candidate for separating polynomial time ($P$) from logarithmic space ($L$) via composition. While space lower bounds of $\Omega(\log^2 n)$ are known for multiple restricted models, it was recently shown by Cook and Mertz (2020) that TreeEval can be ... more >>>

TR24-109 | 29th June 2024
Oded Goldreich

On the Cook-Mertz Tree Evaluation procedure

Revisions: 2

The input to the Tree Evaluation problem is a binary tree of height $h$ in which each internal vertex is associated with a function mapping pairs of $\ell$-bit strings to $\ell$-bit strings, and each leaf is assigned an $\ell$-bit string.
The desired output is the value of the root, ... more >>>

TR24-124 | 26th July 2024
Oded Goldreich

Solving Tree Evaluation in $o(\log n \cdot \log\log n)$ space

Revisions: 1

The input to the Tree Evaluation problem is a binary tree of height $h$ in which each internal vertex is associated with a function mapping pairs of $\ell$-bit strings to $\ell$-bit strings,and each leaf is assigned an $\ell$-bit string.
The desired output is the value of the root, where ... more >>>

TR25-017 | 24th February 2025
Ryan Williams

Simulating Time in Square-Root Space

We show that for all functions $t(n) \geq n$, every multitape Turing machine running in time $t$ can be simulated in space only $O(\sqrt{t \log t})$. This is a substantial improvement over Hopcroft, Paul, and Valiant's simulation of time $t$ in $O(t/\log t)$ space from 50 years ago [FOCS 1975, ... more >>>

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