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Reports tagged with meta-complexity:
TR20-143 | 16th September 2020
Shuichi Hirahara

Characterizing Average-Case Complexity of PH by Worst-Case Meta-Complexity

We exactly characterize the average-case complexity of the polynomial-time hierarchy (PH) by the worst-case (meta-)complexity of GapMINKT(PH), i.e., an approximation version of the problem of determining if a given string can be compressed to a short PH-oracle efficient program. Specifically, we establish the following equivalence:

DistPH is contained in ... more >>>

TR21-030 | 2nd March 2021
Shuichi Hirahara, Rahul Ilango, Bruno Loff

Hardness of Constant-round Communication Complexity

How difficult is it to compute the communication complexity of a two-argument total Boolean function $f:[N]\times[N]\to\{0,1\}$, when it is given as an $N\times N$ binary matrix? In 2009, Kushilevitz and Weinreb showed that this problem is cryptographically hard, but it is still open whether it is NP-hard.

In this ... more >>>

TR21-058 | 21st April 2021
Shuichi Hirahara

Average-Case Hardness of NP from Exponential Worst-Case Hardness Assumptions

A long-standing and central open question in the theory of average-case complexity is to base average-case hardness of NP on worst-case hardness of NP. A frontier question along this line is to prove that PH is hard on average if UP requires (sub-)exponential worst-case complexity. The difficulty of resolving this ... more >>>

TR21-082 | 16th June 2021
Rahul Ilango, Hanlin Ren, Rahul Santhanam

Hardness on any Samplable Distribution Suffices: New Characterizations of One-Way Functions by Meta-Complexity

We show that one-way functions exist if and only if there is some samplable distribution D such that it is hard to approximate the Kolmogorov complexity of a string sampled from D. Thus we characterize the existence of one-way functions by the average-case hardness of a natural \emph{uncomputable} problem on ... more >>>

TR21-089 | 25th June 2021
Hanlin Ren, Rahul Santhanam

A Relativization Perspective on Meta-Complexity

Meta-complexity studies the complexity of computational problems about complexity theory, such as the Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP) and its variants. We show that a relativization barrier applies to many important open questions in meta-complexity. We give relativized worlds where:

* MCSP can be solved in deterministic polynomial time, but ... more >>>

TR22-023 | 19th February 2022
Erfan Khaniki

Nisan--Wigderson generators in Proof Complexity: New lower bounds

A map $g:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}^m$ ($m>n$) is a hard proof complexity generator for a proof system $P$ iff for every string $b\in\{0,1\}^m\setminus Rng(g)$, formula $\tau_b(g)$ naturally expressing $b\not\in Rng(g)$ requires superpolynomial size $P$-proofs. One of the well-studied maps in the theory of proof complexity generators is Nisan--Wigderson generator. Razborov (Annals of Mathematics ... more >>>

TR22-072 | 15th May 2022
Halley Goldberg, Valentine Kabanets, Zhenjian Lu, Igor Oliveira

Probabilistic Kolmogorov Complexity with Applications to Average-Case Complexity

Understanding the relationship between the worst-case and average-case complexities of $\mathrm{NP}$ and of other subclasses of $\mathrm{PH}$ is a long-standing problem in complexity theory. Over the last few years, much progress has been achieved in this front through the investigation of meta-complexity: the complexity of problems that refer to the ... more >>>

TR22-081 | 26th May 2022
Zhenjian Lu, Igor Oliveira

Theory and Applications of Probabilistic Kolmogorov Complexity

Diverse applications of Kolmogorov complexity to learning [CIKK16], circuit complexity [OPS19], cryptography [LP20], average-case complexity [Hir21], and proof search [Kra22] have been discovered in recent years. Since the running time of algorithms is a key resource in these fields, it is crucial in the corresponding arguments to consider time-bounded variants ... more >>>

TR23-037 | 28th March 2023
Shuichi Hirahara

Capturing One-Way Functions via NP-Hardness of Meta-Complexity

A one-way function is a function that is easy to compute but hard to invert *on average*. We establish the first characterization of a one-way function by *worst-case* hardness assumptions, by introducing a natural meta-computational problem whose NP-hardness (and the worst-case hardness of NP) characterizes the existence of a one-way ... more >>>

TR23-047 | 2nd April 2023
Hunter Monroe

Ruling Out Short Proofs of Unprovable Sentences is Hard

If no optimal propositional proof system exists, we (and independently Pudlák) prove that ruling out length $t$ proofs of any unprovable sentence is hard. This mapping from unprovable to hard-to-prove sentences powerfully translates facts about noncomputability into complexity theory. For instance, because proving string $x$ is Kolmogorov random ($x{\in}R$) is ... more >>>

TR23-165 | 5th November 2023
Rahul Ilango

SAT Reduces to the Minimum Circuit Size Problem with a Random Oracle

The Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP) asks, given the truth table of a Boolean function $f$ and an integer $s$, if there is a circuit computing $f$ of size at most $s.$ It has been an open question since Levin's seminal work on NP-completeness whether MCSP is NP-complete. This question ... more >>>

TR24-085 | 25th April 2024
Zhenjian Lu, Rahul Santhanam

Impagliazzo's Worlds Through the Lens of Conditional Kolmogorov Complexity

We develop new characterizations of Impagliazzo's worlds Algorithmica, Heuristica and Pessiland by the intractability of conditional Kolmogorov complexity $\mathrm{K}$ and conditional probabilistic time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity $\mathrm{pK}^t$.

In our first set of results, we show that $\mathrm{NP} \subseteq \mathrm{BPP}$ iff $\mathrm{pK}^t(x \mid y)$ can be computed efficiently in the worst case ... more >>>

TR24-117 | 12th June 2024
Ludmila Glinskih, Artur Riazanov

Partial Minimum Branching Program Size Problem is ETH-hard

We show that assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis, the Partial Minimum Branching Program Size Problem (MBPSP*) requires superpolynomial time. This result also applies to the partial minimization problems for many interesting subclasses of branching programs, such as read-$k$ branching programs and OBDDs.

Combining these results with our recent result (Glinskih ... more >>>

TR24-136 | 4th September 2024
Shuichi Hirahara, Zhenjian Lu, Igor Oliveira

One-Way Functions and pKt Complexity

We introduce $\mathrm{pKt}$ complexity, a new notion of time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity that can be seen as a probabilistic analogue of Levin's $\mathrm{Kt}$ complexity. Using $\mathrm{pKt}$ complexity, we upgrade two recent frameworks that characterize one-way functions ($\mathrm{OWFs}$) via symmetry of information and meta-complexity, respectively. Among other contributions, we establish the following ... more >>>

TR24-155 | 11th October 2024
Shuichi Hirahara, Zhenjian Lu, Mikito Nanashima

Optimal Coding for Randomized Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications

The coding theorem for Kolmogorov complexity states that any string sampled from a computable distribution has a description length close to its information content. A coding theorem for resource-bounded Kolmogorov complexity is the key to obtaining fundamental results in average-case complexity, yet whether any samplable distribution admits a coding theorem ... more >>>

TR24-156 | 7th October 2024
Bruno Pasqualotto Cavalar, Eli Goldin, Matthew Gray, Peter Hall

A Meta-Complexity Characterization of Quantum Cryptography

We prove the first meta-complexity characterization of a quantum cryptographic primitive. We show that one-way puzzles exist if and only if there is some quantum samplable distribution of binary strings over which it is hard to approximate Kolmogorov complexity. Therefore, we characterize one-way puzzles by the average-case hardness of a ... more >>>

TR25-001 | 12th January 2025
Benny Applebaum, Oded Nir

The Meta-Complexity of Secret Sharing

A secret-sharing scheme allows the distribution of a secret $s$ among $n$ parties, such that only certain predefined “authorized” sets of parties can reconstruct the secret, while all other “unauthorized” sets learn nothing about $s$. The collection of authorized/unauthorized sets is defined by a monotone function $f: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}$. ... more >>>

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