We study the n-party noisy broadcast channel with a constant fraction of malicious parties. Specifically, we assume that each non-malicious party holds an input bit, and communicates with the others in order to learn the input bits of all non-malicious parties. In each communication round, one of the parties broadcasts ... more >>>
Let \Pi be a protocol over the n-party broadcast channel, where in each round, a pre-specified party broadcasts a symbol to all other parties. We wish to design a scheme that takes such a protocol \Pi as input and outputs a noise resilient protocol \Pi' that simulates \Pi over the ... more >>>
We initiate the study of error correcting codes over the multi-party adversarial broadcast channel. Specifically, we consider the classic information dissemination problem where n parties, each holding an input bit, wish to know each other's input. For this, they communicate in rounds, where, in each round, one designated party sends ... more >>>